
Showing posts from December, 2023
  Legends of Panuti: God Indra disguised himself Gautam Rishi was attracted by the seductive beauty of Ahilya, the wife of Gautam Rishi. Gautam Rishi, a virtuous vedic sage, lived and meditated at the confluence of rivers in Panauti. Indra, the king of the gods, was attracted by the seductive beauty of Ahilya, the wife of Gautam Rishi. In order to seduce the charming young woman, Indra disguised himself as Ahilya’s husband and thus took advantage of her. Because of this involuntary blemish, Ahalya changed into a rock, which can be seen in the courtyard of the temple. When the sage discovered what had happened he put a spell on Indra, causing Indra’s body to become covered with yonis(female sexual organs). Naturally Indra was somehow put out by this. Indra and his wife Indrayani had met at this auspicious confluence of rivers. Eventually Parvati and Shiva took pity upon Indrayani and turned her into the third invisible river Padmavati that joins the two visible ones in Panauti. Years pa
  #राजामतिको   (rajamati)   सुन्दरता र स्वाभिमान बारे हामीले सुन्दै आईरहेको एक वियोगान्त कथा हो । यस्को बारे एक नेपालभाषी   #प्रेमगाथामा   /ballad गाईएको गीत “राजामती कुमती” पहिले देखी नै चर्चित रहेको छ । नेपालका प्रथम नेपाली गायक /आदिगायक सेतुराम श्रेष्ठले यो प्रेमगाथालाई पहिलो पटक कलकत्तामा record गराएको थियो । यही गीतको धुनलाई श्री ३ जंगबहादुर राणाको बेलायत राजकीय भ्रमणका बेला नेपालको राष्ट्रीय गानाका रूपमा पनि बजाईएको हो । पछी यही गीतलाई जनकवि दुर्गालाल श्रेष्ठको शब्दमा प्रसिद्ध गायक प्रेमध्वज प्रधान ज्युले १९६३मा अर्को record गराएका थिए । राजामतीको सौन्दर्य रूप कस्तो थियो त भन्ने वर्णन पनि यस प्रेमगाथामा वर्णित रहेको छ : “सं धासा कुली कुली मिखा धासा बाँला.. ख्वा धासा तुयु ख्वा ख्वाले निग ती दु हिसी दुम्ह राजामतीचा…” त्यही परिकल्पनामा @Pranab Joshi ज्युले AI बाट निर्मित राजामतीको कल्पनिक तस्वीर लेख:  Nepal.Phototory - नेपाल.तस्बिरथा Artist : Pranab Joshi Note : Posted with the permission from the Artist  See less —  with  Pranab Joshi  and  Nepal.Phototory - नेपाल.तस्बिरथा .
  Jung Bahadur Rana (digitally generated with AI And other tools) born 1817 A.D. and died 1877 A.D. , Born B.S. 1874 and died B.S. 1933 (1874-1933) was the first Shri 3 Maharaj in Nepal . Jung Bahadur Rana, who became powerful after the massacre of Kot Parva, became more powerful than the monarchy after the Bhandarkhal festival On his way back from visiting Badrinath on the summer day , Jang Bahadur made a continuous journey of 109 miles from the border to Kathmandu on horseback.  
  नेपाली साहित्यको प्रथम महिला स्रष्टाका (digital art) lalit tripura sundari महारानी ललित त्रिपुरा सुन्दरी (१८५०-१८८८) लाई नेपाली साहित्यको प्रथम महिला स्रष्टाका रूपमा चिनिन्छ। उनी एउटी रानी, राजमाता, शासक, समाजसेवी, र स्रष्टा थिईन्। उनी नेपालका राजा श्री ५ रणबहादुर शाह की कान्छी पत्नी हुन्। उनले संस्कृतबाट अनुवाद गरेको “राजधर्म” र उनका केही कविताहरु नै नेपालमा महिलाद्वारा रचित प्रथम प्रकाशित कृति मानिन्छन्। उनको पुस्तक राजधर्मको भाषा र शैलीलाई ईतिहासविदहरूले उत्कृष्ट भन्दै प्रशंसा गरेका छन्। त्रिपुरेश्वर मन्दिर सम्पादन रानी ललितत्रिपुरासुन्दरीले काठमाडौंमा त्रिपुरेश्वर मन्दिरको स्थापना गराएकी थिइन् । त्यही मन्दिरको रानी ललितत्रिपुरासुन्दरीले सो मन्दिर संवत् १८७४ देखि बनाउन लगाएकी थिइन् र १८७७ सालमा सो मन्दिरको निर्माण भएको थियो । वाग्मतीको पुल सम्पादन संवत् १८६७ मार्ग शुक्ल एकादशी बिहीबार रानी आफैले वाग्मतीको पुलको शिलान्यास गरेकी थिइन्। यस पुलको निर्माण सम्पन्न चाहिँ संवत् १८६८ चैत कृष्ण सप्तमी बिहीबारको दिन भएको थियो । धरहरा सम्पादन ललितत्रिपुरासुन्दरीले १८८२ सालमा गजुरसहितको धरहरा
  AI generated photo of Mahakavi Laxmi Prasad , one of the greatest and most famous literary figures in Nepal. Pranab Joshi AI generated by @pranabphotoart
 Sati in Nepal (Fictional Visual representation by Image generation ) In the 16th century, in Nepal, lies the tale of Kaji Bhim Malla, an esteemed commander whose life became enmeshed in envy and deception during the reign of King Laxmi Narsimha Malla. As the dynasty flourished, Kaji Bhim's remarkable accomplishments incited resentment among palace adversaries, leading to false accusations that ultimately cost him his life. Yet the tragedy did not end with his demise. Rooted in tradition, the sati rite demanded the sacrifice of Kaji Bhim's wife, the king's own sister, on her husband's funeral pyre. In a moment of profound sorrow and indignation, she cursed the land that had led to such heart-wrenching circumstances. Her words carried an ominous weight, foretelling a future where "no reasonable man would ever find happiness in this wretched country." She also cursed the rulers, decreeing, "May no one who lives in this durbar ever gain wisdom." As time
  An AI generated image of Yuvakavi Motiram Bhatta. Motiram Bhatta (1866–1896 AD) was a prominent Nepalese poet, singer, essayist, publisher, and biographer. Motiram Bhatta is considered one of Nepal's 17th national heroes (Rastriya Bibhuti). The period of Nepali literature from 1883 to 1919 is known as the Motiram Era. Image by: @pranabphotoart pranabjoshi
  Ghantakarna , (lord of bells) is depicted as a terrifying figure with three eyes and ears, and with bells hanging from his ears. It is said that in ancient times, the Kathmandu valley saw a decline in the number of farmers working in the field. In one monsoon season, a group of people performed some tantric rituals and prayed for supernatural help. But, the demons who came to help needed a lot of food and started wreaking havoc in the village. So the villagers collectively chased the demons away to the river. Now, at the end of the plantation season, the people performed the rituals to chase the evil spirits away from the house. In another version, people mark the day to thank the demons for their help by: pranab joshi (@pranabphotoart)
  Sumnima Kirati Rai worship as ancestral god and goddess to Sumnima and Paruhang, Sumnima: Sumnima also known as 'Hengkhamma' the Mother Earth, The Sumnima is the supreme female God, wife of the Paruhang She represents the earth and ancestral mother. Paruhang is the supreme male God, husband of the Sumnima, lords of flowers. Sumnima-Paruhang are the deities of creator, preserver and sustainer god and goddess of the Rai, (not an exact depiction, A visual imagination) ai art by pranab joshi
  Sankhadhar Sakhwa (संखधर साख्वा) art by pranab joshi The Nepal Sambat movement achieved its initial success on 18 november 1999 once the govt declared the founding father of the nepal sambat calendar, a merchandiser of Kathmandu named Sankhadhar Sakhwa (संखधर साख्वा), a national hero. Sankhadhar Sakhwa : The leader of Kingdom of Asian nation Nepal, he's a Nepalese giver. He cleared the debts of all the individuals in Kingdom of Kingdom of Nepal. (source ), Generated ART by pranab joshi @pranabphotoart
  Baanjhakri Mystical Creature of Nepal: Ban Jhakri is a powerful shaman who kidnaps young boys, not for any evil intentions but to train them to become shamans themselves Banjhākri is a short, wild, simian trickster who is a descendant of the Sun. His ears are large and his feet aswell .matted hair covers his entire body, except for his face and palms, others define it as Ape like creature. by pranab joshi (@pranabphotoart)
 Jung Bahar Rana jumping from dharahara: by AI ARTIST: Pranab Joshi
 Lakhey story: 1. A lakhey fell in love with a beautiful Newari girl . Their secret rendezvous thrived under the moon but faced a challenge at sunrise. To protect their love, the Lakhey sought refuge in a tranquil pond and couldn't come back ever. 2. Lakheys would come every night and make loud noises, break into homes, scare children and cause a disturbance in the area.[1] Local resident Gaya Baje became annoyed by their acts, so he used his magical powers to control them and made them dig a pond at Pimbahal 3. According to another legend, Lakhey's wife had to travel far away to get water during wintertime because the taps would run dry.[1] There were no ponds in Lalitpur during that time and, not wanting to see his wife have to walk far, the demon built the Pimbahal Pond in one nigh Have you heard this story? which version? AI ART BY Panabjoshi @pranabphotoart
  History of Nepal Police History of Nepal Police Nepal Police  Nepal Police Ramdal During then-Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher's era in 1938 A.D, recognizing the necessity for increased police presence in traffic control, the Ramdal was deployed initially from the Nepal Army for traffic management. Besides that, Ramdal was also assigned to deter significant risk that could create unrest and escalate within the Kathmandu valley. These military police were identifiable by their caps bearing the inscription "Nepal Military Police"  Nepal Police After the fall of the Rana regime in 1951, Ramdal was disbanded and permanently transferred to the Nepal Police Article sourced by : S.P Rabindra Bahadur Singh (Rabi Singh (@itsmerabi) Nepali Parahari ko Itishas Published by Police Headquaters in 2052 B.S Graphics Art in aid of AI Designed by: Pranab Joshi (Pranab Joshi (@pranabphotoart)
  Jung Bahadur Rana , the first high-ranking person from South Asia to visit Europe , due to which he gained a lot of media attention in Europe. As a result of his visit, Jung Bahadur was able to gain international recognition for Nepal as a sovereign nation The journey to Europe started on 4 Magh 1906 BS (January, 1850) from Kathmandu. They took the route of Chisapani[disambiguation needed] to cross the border. On the way, Jung Bahadur captured four elephants, as well as killing four tigers and some deer.[2] From Chisapani, they reached Kadarawana Gadhi where Jung Bahadur gave gifts to the local peasants. He crossed the border of present-day India and camped in the village of Dhaka. On the seventh day of his journey, he reached Patna Generated art created by: Pranah joshi Pranab Joshi (@pranabphotoart) | Instagram profil
  AI generated image of Muna and Madan of Nepali episodic love poem written by Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Muna Madan follows the life of Madan, a Chhetri man from Kathmandu who leaves Muna, his newly married wife, to go to Tibet to earn a fortune. He is cautioned against leaving by both Muna and his elderly mother, but he decides to leave anyway. Illustration by: @pranabphotoart pranab joshi
  दाउरे र बन्चरो is a story about a poor man named Daurey who makes a living by cutting down trees and selling firewood. One day, while in the middle of the jungle, he saw a giant log in the ground. Daurey tries to cut down the log, but he loses his axe in the pond. He then starts to cry, complaining about how unlucky his day was. While he is weeping, a jalpari (mermaid) appears from the well, offering to help him find his axe. AI art by Pranabjoshi (@pranabphotoart instagram)
  Story of Indrajatra Festival: It is believed that a long time ago, the God Indra descended to earth disguised as a human. He wanted to take the parijaat flower (night jasmine) for his mother back in heaven. Parijaat was a flower so precious it couldn't be found anywhere else but Kathmandu. He found the flower in a garden in Kilagal, then a small village surrounded by jungle, and plucked it. Unable to recognize Indra in his human form, the villages caught him red handed, tied him up with a rope and took him as a prisoner. AI Art by Pranab Joshi (@pranabphotoart Instagram)
  Late King Mahendra (digital imagination not actual image AI and photo manupulation) occasionally ventured to Ason and other local markets to personally purchase vegetables, demonstrating his desire to understand and learn from the experiences of his people. This anecdote, often recounted by elders, highlights the monarch's hands-on approach in connecting with the daily lives of his subjects.. AI ART by pranab joshi (@pranabphotoart) instagram image (AI generated) re edited
Tales of Sumnima: Tales of Sumnima: ART: By pranab joshi @pranabphotoart Kirat mythology, unveils the enchanting tale of Sumnima and Paruhang. Sumnima, a celestial being of unparalleled beauty, gracefully dances in the company of birds, captivating the heart of the sun god, Paruhang. The folklore unfolds as Paruhang, finds himself deeply in love with Sumnima, the earthly goddess.