History of Nepal Police

History of Nepal Police Nepal Police Nepal Police

During then-Prime Minister Juddha Shamsher's era in 1938 A.D, recognizing the necessity for increased police presence in traffic control, the Ramdal was deployed initially from the Nepal Army for traffic management. Besides that, Ramdal was also
assigned to deter significant risk that could create unrest and escalate within the Kathmandu valley.
These military police were identifiable by their caps bearing the inscription "Nepal Military Police" Nepal Police
After the fall of the Rana regime in 1951, Ramdal was disbanded and permanently transferred to the Nepal Police

Article sourced by : S.P Rabindra Bahadur Singh (Rabi Singh (@itsmerabi)
Nepali Parahari ko Itishas
Published by Police Headquaters in 2052 B.S
Graphics Art in aid of AI Designed by: Pranab Joshi (Pranab Joshi (@pranabphotoart)


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